I’m alive!

Yes, I know, I know… I can sense the exasperation all the way over here.

I’ve been pretty quiet over the past few weeks and I know it’s driving a lot of my friends and family members crazy. I’m sorry!

The truth is, keeping my social media alive is so much harder here than it was back home. The internet connection is not always as perfect and fast as it could be (we are on an island after all), and also, well… I have so little time! I can’t believe I used to spend hours watching TV or surfing the web. Not only do I have less time for that here, but there’s so MUCH going on all day that the last thing you want to do is spend time in your room. And if there is any time left, well… Sleep wins. And even then, that’s if you can resist the invitation from friends living within just a few feet of you who want to hang out and rant about the day over a Cuba Libre (which, most of the time, is more Libre than Cuba if you know what I mean… :P)

I’ve been a G.O for exactly 4 weeks today. But it feels like so much longer! My days are jam-packed, and so much has happened that I honestly don’t know where to begin. This blog post could be 10 pages long and I still wouldn’t be able to properly describe all the emotions I’ve been going through.

All G.O’s warned me to wait 3 weeks to one month before deciding on whether I liked the job or not. I thought it was a bit much at first. This was an awesome job! Of course I would love it! And I was (only slightly! :P) older than most G.O’s, so probably more mature and therefore “readier”. I felt confident, and knew what to expect.

Ha! It turns out it doesn’t matter how old you are, or how much experience you think you have, the transition period will be rocky and you will have a hard time. I had a few days of loneliness and doubt, of wondering if I was ever going to fit in here. And I have to admit, that may have contributed to me being a little quieter web-wise… I tend to keep to myself when things get rocky in my head.

The good news is, I’m over it. 🙂 In the past week, something clicked, and things have started getting better and better. I feel like I’m almost done learning the rules of the game and now I can start to play. I’m better at my job and more independent. I’ve started rehearsing for shows and even had my first performance last Saturday!

Backstage, before my first ever Club Med dance performance.

And this week, I spent my day off with fellow G.Os outside the resort for a change, and it made all the difference. We went to Macao Beach, tasted the Dominican version of poutine called “Yaroa”, and spent the night out in Bavaro. Suddenly, I truly felt on vacation and it struck me.

I live here. I work here. In this paradise.

Day off at Macao Beach
Hanging out with fellow G.Os. From left to right, Raphaelle, Mario, Laurent, John and me
The “Yaroa”, a Dominican version of poutine. Fries, chicken, ketchup, mayo and melted cheese. De-li-cious (and very comfort food-y).

I’m going to have a blast doing this job. And I think I’m going to be pretty good at it too. The excitement level has been mounting, and I’m loving it. I’m suddenly seeing all these possibilities, and I can’t wait to see where this could lead me to!


I hope to write again much sooner. Please keep sending me messages, I love reading each and everyone of them, even if I can’t always answer. Thanks for your kind words, and I can’t wait to see you here! 🙂


10 thoughts on “I’m alive!

  1. Wow that means it’s 4 weeks ago scince we were at Club Med Punta Cana, we knew you would be great at the Job Jess but no one can escape the lonley alone feelings that enter your head especially after a hard day or week when you are missing your friends and family and your home too, it was an absolute pleasure meeting the famous weather girl from Montreal and spending some time with you while we were at club med, Keep your head up and your eyes on the future and keep enjoying the moment as you said sometimes you forget you are in a Paradise, nice to hear from you and hear that you’ve got out of the Goldern Prison as it was discribed to us, The Domincan Republic is a Truely beautiful place and we feel so blessed to have had the opertunity to visit and learn just a little about the country. Jessica Keep on using your personality and your lovely smile and you’ll go far and Club Med already know what an asset to their team you are and it won’t be long before they’ll wish you away to better and brighter things and give you opertunities that you didn’t know or dream about well that’s my take on what will happen we will all just have to wait and see, sending you Love and warm wishes from a cold cold New Zealand way way down under, Geoff, Melissa and Pacey xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awwww, Goeff, thank you so much! It was so nice to meet you and your family, you were so nice to me at a time when I was still adjusting to this new life. You made it so much easier. I can’t wait to see you guys again… We’ll make it happen! Hugs to you, Melissa and Pacey xox


  2. Hey Jess! You are a winner in all you do so keep making ppl smile! By the way..Global morning news sucks! Sorry to be so harsh but without you there is nothing. Un abbraccio forte carissima Amica, Christina xo

    Sent from my iPad



  3. You’re a rockstar Jess and look very vavavavoom in your dance outfit! I’m glad you’re having a great time over there. Don’t worry about updates – no one will ever forget about you over here! Go dance. sing. and get your cuba libre on for all of us!! XoXo


  4. Loved reading this post, Jess! Gave me the opportunity to escape my desk here at work for a few minutes. 🙂
    So exciting to read about what you’re up to. Naturally, there will be good and bad days, and that’s what makes it an adventure! Sounds like you’re hitting your stride. With your sparkle, you’ll be a much-loved employee there, both by your colleagues and by guests!


    1. Thanks Lindsey! I’m loving my experience, and I’d say there MANY more good days than bad. In fact, there are many emotions in one single day! Thanks for the sweet message. See you in Punta Cana! 🙂


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